Some of us are ready to hear about what steps we CAN take to hold back and push back against the Musk-Trump Coup. Yes, we need to understand what we are dealing with, but we’ve had months to see it coming {even if we did not believe it would|.
This from a Substack post today by Robert Hubbell, seeking recognition of the problem, and faster action, too:
“Providing US humanitarian aid is justified because it is morally right. But it also serves US strategic purposes by building alliances across the globe. If the US ceases humanitarian aid in Africa, China will fill the void in one way or another, including military aid and economic investment. Trump and Musk are burning bridges that connect the US to the world.
The point is that the unfolding coup is concentrating the wealth and influence of the US in two ignorant narcissists who care about only themselves. That is a recipe for disaster.”
Hubbell and others I’ve been reading call for an ACTION plan— real recognition of imminent collapse, and a real plan to TRY to head off the collapse. What Hubbell says about China stepping in is absolutely on point.
China has been seeking economic and political influence around the world for a long time. Hell, so does the US. But now, as Trump trashes those alliances, China IS already moving in to offer dollars that replace American aid. It’s happening in Africa and South America — [and notice that DJT put 25% tariffs on our friends, but 10% tariffs on China. Odd.]
And then, there’s Musk moving in on the national checkbook. I must say, that is chilling me probably more than the rest! Musk is a chaos agent. He is protected from ever feeling the real hit that his economic warfare inflicts on those of us who cannot lose a few billion dollars and still have billions more … So, he is quite comfortable waging economic war, even if it seems on the surface that he loses some, too. He conducts business like a bull in a china shop, and when he has broken enough china, he can move in and take over the store at rock bottom prices.
This can’t go on indefinitely.
We need to be more than angry — We need to be taking steps. If all we have right now are courts, then we’d better get to those courts! If we can’t get Republicans in Congress to stop and think … What’s our next step to resist the dissolution of Democracy in America?
Thank you for sharing this, Pat! PGO's Snarky Grandma is right on point with these observations! We absolutely must fight back in the courts and fight back hard. The orange man is severing us from our allies and the rest of the world in order to have complete control over us. China just is doing what they need to do to build their alliances. This is a nightmare and We the People must wake up from it and fight hard for our country!
Support CREW.
At DOJ, some of the people affected may be union members. In my experience, these are some of the smartest, most knowledgeable lawyers in the country.
Unfortunately, I have some experience in data breaches as my security clearance was stolen by the Chinese military in 2014 via OPM records. Although we should have sued for damages, obtained judgments, we never did. My wife and I are retired federal employees-- in many federal databases. Many are concerned about stuff like SSA retirement benefits. Those funds come from a trust fund that should be solvent to about 2033.
Apparently DOGE has already decided to kill several agencies......
I'm hoping that there already are schisms of MAGAT House members.
1. Minority Republicans. How can they support discrimination against themselves? Actually. white women who may have been Republicans benefitted most from DEI.
2. Those who support Ukraine vs Putin
3. Those who oppose Musk.
More -- if they represent districts on the border that rely on Mexico and or Canada, and their local businesses are shut down because of tariff policy.
My MAGAT rep knows that her constituents are pissed....are mostly Democrats. Miami Herald: "The Trump administration has eliminated deportations protections for hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans in the United States, leaving them vulnerable to be sent back to the South American country in 60 days when the protection expires, according to an official from the Department of Homeland Security".
I don't know this as a fact but some own US businesses, are bankers, etc. The defacto economic capitol of Venezuela is Baghdad By the Sea. Employ hundreds of thousands,,, many US citizens.
Multiply Venezuela by Cuba, Canada, Mexico. In my building many residents have dual citizenship. Have boucoups business interests in the old country.